Scandinavia’s no. 1 international B2B marketing blog

Think you’re a good judge of people? Think again!

Think of a time when an employee or team member performed a task particularly poorly. Was your reaction harsh – or did you even punish them? They probably performed better next time, but don’t think you had anything to do with it. Here’s the proof from one of the world’s great thinkers! Continue reading

Employer branding as a strategic weapon

Employer branding is a strategic weapon

In the coming years, we’re likely to see a lower influx of new recruits to the job market. It is also widely predicted that the financial crisis will likely decline before long. So the hunt for the best employees is about to begin!

As a consequence, employer branding has suddenly become a strategic focus for B2B companies. Many are already now starting to position themselves to grab their share of the scarce resource of the future: talented people. For that, a compelling employee value proposition (EVP) becomes very important. Continue reading

7 reasons why HR managers struggle with employer branding – and a new way forward

With all the capabilities possessed by a modern corporation, and the decisive importance of employees as a success factor for more than 90 percent (my own estimate) of medium-sized to large companies, why is employer branding so neglected? Continue reading

7 tips for credible video in your B2B marketing

Credibility and trust is key to B2B marketing and communications and video offers great potential to capture the true essence of a company’s biggest assets – its employees. Experienced business leaders, grizzled industry veterans, subject matter experts and engineers all look great on video if captured in the right way, and their authentic appearance can actually enhance forward-thinking B2B marketing efforts. Using video in marketing with the aim of giving employees a voice of their own requires patience and skill. However, the rewards are big for all involved – here are 7 tips to help you help subject matter experts and other employees to shine on video. Continue reading