Scandinavia’s no. 1 international B2B marketing blog

Why traditional sales training is a waste of time and money

A clock shows seven o'clock

Sales enablement expert Mauricio Garza believes closing deals takes more than classic sales training sessions. It means changing the way you work with your people.

So, why is traditional sales training a waste of money? And what can you do to ensure a highly-engaged sales team? Mauricio provides his top four tips to help you on your way.

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How to lose a B2B sale in 4 ways… and how not to!

Like all relationships between people, B2B relationships require trust and credibility to work.

In fact, we could liken a prospective B2B buyer to a sophisticated partner who is well-educated, has high expectations and is generally intolerant of mistakes. And like in all relationships, there are certain behaviours that strengthen bonds, and critical mistakes that turn people off.

Take your website, for example. In B2B, missteps can sow enough seeds of doubt in the minds of potential or existing customers to make them lose faith in your brand, question your professionalism, or simply click away from your site. Once you lose that credibility, it can be as hard to get back as convincing a cheated-on lover to trust you again. And the result of lost credibility? Lost sales.

So what can you do to make sure you hang onto B2B prospects?

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Get in the Habit of Consistently Creating Content With These 7 Steps

Habits don’t form overnight — especially the good ones. Just think about how long it took you to start flossing your teeth every day (and chances are you’re not all the way there yet). For the average person, it takes about 66 days for a behavior to become habitual, and even then, that’s doing it daily.

You can imagine how difficult it can be to get in the habit of creating content. Yet the benefits of doing so are numerous. Companies that blog at least 11 times a month get almost three times the traffic as those that blog only once a month. According to Eloqua, content also contributes to three times more leads than online advertising.

If that isn’t enough motivation to pick up a content habit, I don’t know what is. Here are seven steps to jumpstart your efforts:

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Honesty and your Voice of Customer messages—can you go too far?

Those who’ve read our book, The Death of Propaganda, will know that we’re staunch advocates of honesty in advertising. Specifically, we advocate a more direct delivery of the facts, albeit in a helpful way, when it comes to talking about a company’s own products or those of its competitors. But how far can that honesty thing go? Continue reading