Scandinavia’s no. 1 international B2B marketing blog

Is COVID-19 the Voldemort of business?

“Can we use the term, COVID-19, in our marketing?” “Will people think we’re trying to take advantage of the situation?” “Is it OK to mention COVID-19 when our products don’t protect or help cure people?” – does this sound like you?

COVID-19, for some businesses, has become the disease whose name must not be mentioned in the context of commercial gain. But could this be doing more harm than good?

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It’s time to reconsider your strategic value proposition

In the current business environment, which brings a new level of difficulties to almost every business, sales teams are having to look closely at their company’s strategic value proposition. Does it reflect the current strategy? Is it the right fit for the customer? Does it align with current buyer behavior?

Now is the time to re-evaluate. But when speed of reaction to market dynamics is the essence, there’s no time for a protracted process. What’s needed is a rapid, pragmatic approach.

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Some good news in the midst of the bad

The rapid spread of COVID-19, matched with almost unprecedented falls in stock exchanges and, of course, climate change (which is losing the battle for attention right now)…means that there are plenty of reasons to be worried about this world of ours. And in Denmark, which is now my home, things are particularly tense as the country will be virtually shut down for at least the next 14 days to reduce the risk of viral spreading.

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6 tips to help tell your company sustainability story

The world has made a fundamental shift in the way it views sustainability since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) Paris Agreement was signed by 195 countries in 2016. The effects of this shift have rippled to companies who are now also legally obliged to meet the agreement’s goals.

Thus, organizations are gradually realizing that sustainability is not merely a trend or a moral obligation, but a reality that needs to be integrated into every strategic plan and action. However, few organizations know how to communicate to stakeholders that their actions align with global climate goals.

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Why thought leadership is (still) pivotal for big industry

“There’s a seat for everyone at the Thought Leadership table,” says Morten Floee Knudsen, Thought Leadership Content Manager at global engineering company FLSmidth. In a highly competitive market with discerning buyers, thought leadership is an important tool in the B2B marcomms toolset.

“People can be intimidated,” said Morten Floee Knudsen, when I asked him about thought leadership as a marketing mechanism in heavy industry.

“The idea of spending resources on creating or sharing inspiring, thought-provoking content that does not talk about your product and won’t sell products tomorrow can be a scary thought. But raising issues and debating broader industry challenges show that you care, that you take ownership of the market, and that you speak the same language as your customers.

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Honing creative skills in a multicultural environment

What would you say if you were asked to learn from and party with the brightest minds in the global B2B marcomms industry while lodging in a castle located in German wine country? Well, I said, “Yes, please!”

In October, I had the privilege to participate in the 2019 BBN Academy where I got the opportunity to meet and work with some of my BBN counterparts from around the world. We convened in the historically rich Châteauform’ Schloss Löwenstein, just an hour away by car from Frankfurt. This would be my first BBN Academy experience.

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Copywriting tips for politically correct content

With the globalized world becoming more aware of the sensitivities of diverse cultures and lifestyles, this guide provides tips, red flags, and resources to ensure your words don’t offend others. Specifically, this guide touches on gender, race and sexual orientation.

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