Scandinavia’s no. 1 international B2B marketing blog

Onshore knowhow drives offshore strategy at A2SEA: Part 3 of 3

Offshore wind energy installation and service leader A2SEA takes a strategic approach to its integrated marketing communications, drawing upon tried-and-tested knowhow to arrive at its communication strategy. Part of that approach involves the use of “Must-win Initiatives”. Continue reading

A2SEA puts a spotlight on its knowhow: Part 1 of 3

Offshore wind turbine installation contractor A2SEA stands as a great example of a company that grew from a commoditized, generic position to dominate its industry through the constant application of knowhow as a key differentiator. Despite this transformation over more than a decade, many of its clients and prospective customers still think, more or less, that the company just provides the vessels and crew to lift enormous structures into place far out to sea – and that’s something you can buy, well, from anyone, can’t you? A2SEA just wasn’t getting enough Return on Knowhow. Continue reading

“Help us to get more out of what we know!”

Knowledge-intensive B2B companies are a special breed. Unlike many simple consumer products that perform a straightforward function, their product offerings are often experts who can solve a wide variety of problems and take on greenfield challenges. Clearly communicating what the company can do, therefore, is difficult at best. Continue reading

7 tips for credible video in your B2B marketing

Credibility and trust is key to B2B marketing and communications and video offers great potential to capture the true essence of a company’s biggest assets – its employees. Experienced business leaders, grizzled industry veterans, subject matter experts and engineers all look great on video if captured in the right way, and their authentic appearance can actually enhance forward-thinking B2B marketing efforts. Using video in marketing with the aim of giving employees a voice of their own requires patience and skill. However, the rewards are big for all involved – here are 7 tips to help you help subject matter experts and other employees to shine on video. Continue reading

Content marketing – old wine in new bottles?

Effective content marketing is based on a genuine desire to help potential customers – and can, when implemented, lead to fundamental change in company culture. But old wine is old wine…

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7 ways to keep your subject matter experts feeding the Content Machine

If your company has established a blog, a few social media accounts or perhaps an independent thought leadership platform, then you have a group of employees contributing content on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. To keep the content flowing, they need to be supported as best they can. Continue reading

A Christmas Wish: that marketers ‘get’ the need for content promotion

Imagine you had asked your ad agency to create a TV commercial for your latest product. But you hadn’t allocated funds for actually airing the commercial on the right TV channels. Would you expect your campaign to be the talk of the town? No, right? Then why should corporate marketers expect they can create great content and the world will just sort of, well, see it and engage with it? Content promotion is key in today’s communication landscape. Continue reading

B2B and the tourism Industry: the business case for video

In my previous posts I covered two fundamental issues for B2B companies and marketers in the tourism industry looking to stay ahead of the competition: the need to develop a strong digital strategy and the growing importance of the “mobile factor”. Here I want to focus on another crucial aspect: the massive potential of video. Continue reading

8 ways to come up with great last minute content

“If you want to be interesting, be interested.”

There’s probably a good deal of truth in this saying, and if your business is content marketing or depends on your blogging activities, you’d do well to keep it in mind.

Coming up with interesting content that addresses and tantalizes your readers and giving it a remarkable personal (or corporate) spin are basic tenets of content marketing and the recipe for blogging success. But doing this day after day can be hard. Very hard. This is where it gets interesting. Continue reading

Content production? Danish companies have got it right.

With content marketing exploding onto the scene of mainstream B2B marketing in 2012, marketers everywhere are scrambling to re-adjust marketing plans to reap the benefits of more comprehensive content strategy and content production. But, while strategic planning, in itself, isn’t an easy task for many companies trying to adjust to changes in B2B buyer behavior, apparently it’s content production that presents the biggest challenge to executing content strategy. Continue reading